The concept company refers to an organization or
institution, which is engaged in the production or provision of goods or
services that are defendants by consumers; obtaining an economic revenue from
this activity, i.e. again.
These are based on predefined schedules, certain strategies
for the correct performance of the production by the team.
To your success, it is essential that it has clear and
well-established objectives, in addition to a pre-set mission. On the other
hand, these must define the political and the regulations according to which
van to handle is.
However, more beyond of the regulations that decide in form
internal and informal; they should be guided first and foremost according to
laws governing the regulation of its activity and operation in the jurisdiction
in which they operate.
Perhaps from a perspective more technical is it can be
define as a Unit socio-economic. According to this shape, it will use all
resources that are at its disposal to transform raw materials into a good or
service that can enter into the market of supply and demand for a utility.
It is important to clarify that you used the given socioeconomic term that identifies as part social of this unit the set of
individuals who are part of it, and as economic capital component which seeks
to achieve.
Activities of companies
In this way, three areas differ in which develop their
activities, and by what usually are classified.
- Its area of action is the primary sector if it uses as raw every element obtained directly from nature. An example in this case would be companies producing cereals, or any other product of harvest.
- If instead you encompass the secondary sector, their task will be based on the conversion of raw material obtained through third parties, in a final and total product able to be sold in the market.
- But there is still one responsible third sector both is the marketing of products wholly manufactured by other companies (providers), as in the offer of services to the satisfaction of desires and needs.
Structure of the enterprises
We can highlight the advantage that the internal
conformation (structure) of a company can be formed in different ways exist
relations both hierarchical (President, Vice President, directors, managers,
etc.); as linear.
In the latter, will be no charges of greater importance than
others, so that all employees enjoy the same benefits and will be called upon
to cover obligations.
Today in our country, is largely used a type of company
called SME. The acronym corresponds to Pequena and Medium Company, which
indicates that a production capacity and budget is that although they share
most of the characteristics with the rest of the companies, have fundamentally.
But also, one of the more important limitations is the
occupational, i.e. their capacity to contract staff; and it is crucial given
that for the growth of a company human capital will always be a key factor.
Public companies
(There are different types of companies)
Public enterprises are those that belong to the public of each
State, central or local administration.
They can sell their shares in stock market to individuals,
but it will continue considering them public when 51% of its shares continue in
possession of the public sector.
This type of companies aims the general interest of the
particular community of which it forms part. State takes the decision to start
with the company and must set its objectives to control its activity.
Private companies
The companies private, in contrast, are those that are to
cargo of individuals private. In addition, the actions of these companies is
can sell in bag.
Its main objective is maximizing its profits and sales, as
well as their market shares.
Companies mixed
Since the division between private and public companies is
not so simple, in the majority of cases, there is a third qualification which
describes a company, where both the public and the private sector have
In addition, the sector private can take the decision of
nationalizing a company private; as well as it happens otherwise, when the
private sector decides to privatize any public company.
Different ratings of companies
There are several ways to qualify companies according to
their different characteristics. For example, companies are qualified in large,
medium or small according to your size.
- Great: Be determined that a company is big where it has large technological capacities, human potential and when its capital is lot. To the be a company big, their obligations, their needs of planning and organization will be higher that in the others.
- Medium: will require technological capabilities, but to a lesser extent than large enterprises. Human potential and a significant amount of capital will also be necessary.
- Small: will be those that carry out their economic activities do not require a lot of capital, and human potential, as well as not a great capacity in terms of its technology.
Social and economic goals of the companies
External and internal purposes that respect to the social to
the economic companies.
In economic terms we find the following:
- External economic purpose: is the production of goods and services in order to meet all the needs arising from the society.
- Internal economic purpose: will seek to obtain an added value for power then paying for people who are part of the company. Forms of remuneration may be in the form of profits, dividends, wages, salaries as well as benefits. This aims to provide opportunities for investment and jobs to the workers.
The purposes of economic, internal and external, must serve
men working inside and those who work outside the company.
As for the internal and external social purposes of a
company, we can say:
- The purpose social external: consists in the contribution of the development of each society, is must try that in the performance economic also is take care of them values social and them personal that is consider fundamental. To be able to do this satisfactorily, employees and partners will comply with and carry out it should be promoted.
- The purpose social internal: is one in which is contributes to the full development of the people that form part of the company. You must be achieved that fundamental human values are not vulnerable and that in turn, them can be promoted through employees and partners.
The social aspects of a company are just as important as the
economic because it is composed of people and is directed at other people. It
is often referred to as social responsibility, which holds, even ecological
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